Date Format

Date Format

The date formats in Client Sense are based on the regional settings of the server that is hosting the website or the account that is running the app pool.

If the server has applied default settings to the app pool account then you can either force the regional settings in IIS or try logging in as the app pool account to the server and changing the settings.

Force regional settings in IIS

  1. Open IIS
  2. Select ClientSense site
  3. Select .NET Globalization with the ASP.NET section
  4. Change Culture and UI Culture to the appropriate setting for your region for example
    1. Australia - English (Australia) (en-AU)
    2. UK - English (United Kingdom) (en-GB)
  5. Click Apply
  6. Check Client Sense by opening a new window or refreshing an existing – the site will reload with the new settings so expect a short delay


Change regional settings

  1. Log in as the app pool account
  2. Type intl.cpl in the start menu
  3. Change the format to the appropriate for your region

Check regional settings

This step isn't a fix but provides insight into what is being applied by default and allows you to update for future accounts
It's possible that the default format (usually US) is being inherited by system and new accounts even though other machines are configured correctly. The following is a way to check what regional settings might be applied to new accounts that log into the server.
  1. Type intl.cpl on the server in start menu
  2. go to Administrative tab
  3. click Copy settings
  4. Here you can see the format that that new accounts will have applied