Finalising Installation

Finalising Installation

Perform final checks for the following

Logs are up to date

Ensure that Client Sense has finished its initial log collection and is now up to date

Client Sense has outbound web access

It's not uncommon for an organisation to require the use of a proxy for outbound web access. In some instances if the proxy isn't transparent or can't be automatically detected it will need to be manually configured.

To test that Client Sense can get out to the web
Navigate to the subscription page
Click the Check for new licence button
Wait a few moments for a Licence Check Complete notification to appear
Navigate to Configuration and the Log tab
Look for a web response error that would have occurred since you check for a new licence
If there are no errors then all is fine

Error exists
Check with IT as to whether a proxy is used or if outbound access needs to be allowed
If a proxy address is required, try to configure the proxy through IIS
  1. Select the Client Sense website
  2. Open Configuration Editor
  3. Change the Section dropdown to > DefaultProxy
  4. Click the chevron next to proxy in the panel below
  5. Set proxyaddress to http://address:port
  6. Set useDefaultCredentials to True
  7. You may need to set usesystemdefault to false
  8. Click Apply
Attempt to retrieve the licence again and check for errors. If errors persist you may need to attempt further changes to the proxy configuration which will be dependent on the environment

Title, Department and Office populated and correct

Title, Department and Office are pulled automatically from AD / Exchange. Sometimes data can be missing as it hasn't been populated, unintentionally incorrect or incorrect due to different fields being utilised. All fixes should be made within AD / Exchange for Client Sense to sync.
  1. Click into an organisation
  2. Inspect the employees panel
  3. Confirm that the Title, Department and Office columns are populated with data

Data is missing or incorrect
If the data is missing or is incorrect, confirm whether the client can populate these fields or whether alternative fields within AD / Exchange are being used to hold this data
Once the data has been updated in AD / Exchange it will sync into Client Sense within a few hours

Top Organisations not displaying junk domains

Clients Sense capture all domains, although in some instances these can be irrelevant as they're associated with a hybrid Exchange configuration, notification service or document management as an example. There will typically be a lot of correspondence out to these domains which will mean they show in the Top Organisations box. It's best to hide these to ensure that Top Organisations remains relevant.
  1. Navigate to the My Firm tab
  2. Inspect the Top Organisations box
  3. If there are any odd domains in here such as onmicrosoft, filing systems or local domains take note of these

Hide domains in database
  1. Create a new query window targeting the Client Sense database in SSMS
  2. Alter this query to include the domains you want to hide
  3. update clients set hidden = 1 where domain in ('','')
  4. Execute the query
  5. Take the following query
  6. Delete from Searches
  7. Execute the query
  8. Refresh the My Firm page
  9. Wait up to 1 minute for the Top Organisations panel to load and inspect to ensure that domains are no longer showing

Organisation names are collected

  1. Navigate to the My Firm page
  2. Click an organisation in the Top Organisations panel
  3. Wait for the modal to finish loading and another moment
  4. Close the dialog
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Inspect the Top Organisations panel and the organisation you just clicked to see if it has a bolded name against it
  7. If there is no name, try this process with another Organisation
  8. If this doesn't work again, see the section on outbound web access

DNS is accessible external to the server

  1. Confirm that the clientsense hostname is accessible from another machine within the same network
  2. If using a fully qualified DNS request IT to create a group policy to add the fqdn to the intranet zone, this is to ensure that credentials are passed through automatically
  3. If the user is prompted for credentials
    1. If using Firefox, it has its own networks settings so try Chrome, Edge, IE
    2. ensure they're in the Users or Admins group configured
    3. ensure that Client Sense falls into the intranet zone
    4. attempt entering credentials to see if they're accepted, if they are accepted then check the intranet zone and back connection host names registry

Discuss database maintenance with the client

Client Sense benefits from a healthy and well maintained database. If the client has existing database maintenance running on the server, enquire as to whether Client Sense is or can be included within that.

We typically recommend Ola Hallengrens SQL Server Maintenance Solution with nightly updating of statistics and index optimisation. Ola's scripts have thresholds built in to ensure that only necessary maintenance is being performed.