Installing Client Sense

Installing Client Sense

Preinstallation checklist

See Requirements for full details of accounts and database and Exchange Permissions for full Exchange details
  1. Domain service account
  2. Exchange access
  3. Local admin to web server
  4. Access to database server and access to ClientSense database or permission to create databases
  5. Dns entry a record or cname pointing to web server of clientsense

Package setup

  1. Download the Client Sense package from the provided link (you may need to add to trusted sites, alternatively copy the package to the remote computer)
  2. Extract contents of package ClientSense-Release into local path eg inetpub/wwwroot folder
  3. Rename ClientSense-Release to ClientSense

Attachments folder creation

  1. Navigate to inetpub/wwwroot folder
  2. Create a folder called ClientSenseAttachments

  3. Right click the ClientSenseAttachments folder and select Properties
  4. Select the Security tab
  5. Click Edit next to change permissions
  6. Click Add and search for the service account, click OK
  7. Select the service account from the list and under permissions tick the Allow checkbox for Write

  8. Click OK
  9. Open the ClientSenseAttachments folder and create a folder called Changes

Windows Features

Ensure the following features are installed for IIS
  1. Open Server Manager
  2. Add roles and features
  3. Click Next until you get to the Server Roles section
  4. Expand Web Server (IIS)
    1. Expand Web Server
      1. Expand Common HTTP Features
        1. HTTP Redirection ✓
      2. Expand Health and Diagnostics
        1. Custom Logging ✓
        2. Logging Tools ✓
        3. Request Monitor ✓
      3. Expand Performance
        1. Dynamic Content Compression ✓
      4. Expand Security
        1. IP and Domain Restrictions ✓
        2. Windows Authentication ✓
      5. Expand Application Development
        1. .NET Extensibility 4.X ✓
        2. Application Initialization ✓
        3. ASP.NET 4.X ✓
        4. WebSocket Protocol ✓
  5. Next
  6. Install

IIS Manager configuration

Website creation

  1. Add a new Website
  2. Fill out the fields
    1. Site name: ClientSense
    2. Application Pool: ClientSense
    3. Physical Path: Select the extracted folder ClientSense ie c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClientSense
    4. Host name: clientsense
  3. Apply any additional binding settings here
  4. Save

Attachments Virtual Directory

  1. Select the ClientSense site
  2. Right click the ClientSense site and select Add Virtual Directory
    1. Enter Attachments as the Alias
    2. Set the Physical Path to the location of the ClientSenseAttachments folder ie c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClientSenseAttachments

  3. Click OK


  1. Select ClientSense site
  2. Under IIS select Authentication and open feature
  3. Enable Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication

Connection Strings

  1. Select ClientSense site
  2. Under ASP.NET select Connection Strings and open feature
  3. Select Default Connection and Edit
  4. Set connection string to
    1. Data Source=[ServerName];Initial Catalog=ClientSense;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
  5. Click OK

Application pool configuration

  1. Select Application Pools
  2. Open Advanced settings of the ClientSense app pool
  3. Under General
  4. Set Start Mode to AlwaysRunning
  5. Under process model
  6. Set Identity to domain\serviceaccountname account
  7. Set Load User Profile to True
  8. Under Rapid-Fail Protection
  9. Set Maximum Failures to 10 - This alleviates the app pool being terminated during upgrades

Back Connection Host Names

To export PDFs Client Sense needs to be able to access itself on the same host name that users will access it by, this may also be required to browse the DNS locally from the server
  1. To add host names follow the steps detailed in Method 1 here
  2. Ensure that you add the appropriate host name or fully qualified name eg clientsense or clientsense.domain.local
  3. You can test configuration is working by browsing to the Client Sense dns from the server hosting the website with an account that will have access to Client Sense

Initialise website and database

  1. Browse to website on configured DNS
  2. If prompted for credentials enter service account credentials
If access is denied after entering credentials and you have performed the Back Connection Host Names registry entry above you may need to follow the same article to Disable Loop Back Check. You can enable both at the same time and the server should not require a restart
  1. Expect a loading period, the database, tables and any stored procedures will be created at this moment
  2. Once loading is complete you will be prompted for a licence key
  3. Enter the licence key provided and click Update
  4. Continue with install below before configuring Client Sense

IIS Manager configuration Continued

Add auto start provider

Perform this step after testing the website and configuring integration, autostart can interfere with database initial creation scripts
  1. Select the server name in IIS Manager at the top of the tree
  2. Under Management select Configuration Editor and open feature
  3. Under Section select system.applicationHost > serviceAutoStartProviders
  4. Select Collection Count column and click the ellipses
  5. Under Actions click Add
  6. Under Properties enter
    1. name: ClientSensePreload
    2. type: Contact_Monitor_Web.App_Start.ApplicationPreload, Contact Monitor Web
  7. Close the dialog
  8. Under Actions click Apply

Assign auto start provider

Perform this step after testing the website and configuring integration, autostart can interfere with database initial creation scripts

  1. Select the server name in IIS Manager at the top of the tree
  2. Under Management select Configuration Editor and open feature
  3. Under Section select system.applicationHost > sites
  4. Select Collection Count column and click the ellipses
  5. Select ClientSense site
  6. Under Properties select Collection Count column and click the ellipses
  7. Select the first item
  8. Under Properties set
  9. preloadEnabled: True
  10. serviceAutoStartEnabled: True
  11. serviceAutoStartProvider: ClientSensePreload
  12. Close Dialog x2
  13. Click Apply

Windows Process Activation Service

  1. Start services.msc
  2. Open Windows Process Activation Service
  3. Set Startup type to Automatic

Configuring Client Sense