Registering an Azure Application for Microsoft Authentication

Registering an Azure Application for Microsoft Authentication

Configuring the Azure app

Before proceeding
To utilise Microsoft Authentication, Client Sense needs to be configured with a SSL certificate and https address

  1. Log into the Azure portal
  2. Select App Registrations on the left
  3. Select New Registration
  4. Fill out the form
    1. Name: Client Sense Auth
    2. Supported account types: Accounts in this organisation only
    3. Redirect Uri: This needs to be set to the dns of Client Sense. If you access Client Sense via within your network then that will be the redirect url
  5. Register the App
  6. Select Authentication under Manage
  7. In the Implicit grant and hybrid flows section check the ID tokens box
  8. Select Save
  9. Take a copy of the Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID which will be required to configure Client Sense

What changes will I see in Client Sense once this is configured?

Logging in

Instead of being automatically logged in using your windows credentials you will now see this screen

User Access

All user access is now configured by an Admin through the UI rather than utilising Active Directory groups