Release 3

Release 3


Updates to Client Sense are typically straight forward within the same release and can usually be performed within business hours with little user impact.

Please note
  1. As with any update, it's always safest to ensure you have a database backup and a copy of the web folder or the ability to roll back if necessary

  1. Download update zip (Get in touch if this hasn't been provided) onto Client Sense web server
  2. Open zip
  3. Copy ClientSense-Release folder from zip to wwwroot > inetpub (Same folder as current ClientSense)

  4. Open both web.config files in a text editor from the ClientSense and ClientSense-Release folder side by side
  5. Copy the Connection String called DefaultConnection from the ClientSense web.config and replace DefaultConnection in the ClientSense-Release web.config
  6. Copy any ViewRoles or AdminRoles from value parameter in the ClientSense web.config to the corresponding ClientSense-Release web.config value parameter (newer installs might not have any of these settings configured)

  7. Save the ClientSense-Release web.config file (sometimes you may need to save it to the desktop if you don't have permission to save into the inetpub, ensure you rename it appropiately to web.config if it get s .txt extension)
  8. Open IIS > Select Application Pools> Click the ClientSense Application Pool
  9. Note the next step will take the site offline for anyone using the site
  10. Click Stop under Application Pool Tasks on the right
  11. Open the www > inetpub folder
  12. Rename the ClientSense folder to ClientSense-old
  13. Rename the ClientSense-Release folder to ClientSense
  14. Start the Client Sense Application Pool (Open IIS > Application Pools > Click the ClientSense Application Pool and click Start on the right)
  15. Navigate to http://clientsense/ or the configured fqdn and wait for it to load while it updates the dlls. Some updates may take longer to load while database migrations complete.
  16. When loaded and responsive click your name in the top right corner which should show version v3.x.x(3.1-Release) unless you've been provided with a Dev release

Version Notes


If updating from a version lower than 3.1.3, take note and familiarise yourself with the new update procedure above before updating to this release. There are many library updates in this release which are incompatible with existing installations and the configuration within the web.config file.
Loading the Client Sense interface for the first time after updating to this release might take longer than usual as there are some property migrations that run on initialisation

Contact Card
  1. Activities for all entities within grouped organisations should now render
  2. Activities can now be exported to Excel

  1. Added new column of type Upcoming to display future activities

Relationship Management
  1. Improved background function to calculate status of group organisations for relationship managers

  1. Improvements to logic to page large lists

  1. Resolved bug where in some instances email templates failed to generate
  2. Migrated automatically collected organisation details such as social handles that were stored in the wrong format in the database and wouldn't display in the Contact Card
  3. Changed automatically collected organisation details to store in correct database format
  4. Altered change made in previous version when dealing with long signatures to reduce false positives


Take note and familiarise yourself with the new update procedure above before updating to this release. There are many library updates in this release which are incompatible with existing installations and the configuration within the web.config file.
This release contains database updates which make the schema incompatible with previous releases. If you need to roll back to a prior version you will need to restore the database from a backup which matched the prior version.

Relationship Management
  1. Contact Suggester for Relationship Managers
  2. Icon in email subject email subjects (premeeting and summary)
  3. Help guided tour (automated on first login and on demand after)
  4. Relationship Manager invitation function
  5. Escape closes captured activities

  1. Support Concep integration
  2. Nightly sync of contact and list information
  3. Individual and Organisational view within Contact Card
  4. Favourites column to display lists

  1. New 360 view export accessible from 360 view
  2. New 360 view export as matrix export option
  3. All reports are now in XLSX format and preformatted

  1. Table column headings are now fixed when scrolling
  2. Name and favourite columns are fixed left and right when width of grid expands outside view
  3. Drag favourite star icon from search into tab to add to tab

  1. Improved detection of invalid signatures such as those within support tickets
  2. Improved performance by selectively loading data
  3. Added option to log simple entry when a signature could not be found or parsed
  4. Added logic to perform further checks on signatures that were deemed as spam because they were too long

Contact Card
  1. Activities can now be filtered for their type
  2. Activities will load on scroll to improve contact card performance on initial load

  1. Sorted Relationship Management list alphabetically when creating new Relationship Managers
  2. Text change on calculated columns on favourites from 'contacts' to 'individuals'
  3. Made nightly logs function resumable if interrupted
  4. Updated 3rd party libraries
  5. Organisation 360 view reorganised buttons in metric panels
  6. Changed Mailchimp tab title in Config to Mailout

  1. Fixed width of icons in favourites dashboard dropdown
  2. Fixed hyperlink button disappearing after filtering and unfiltering in 360 view
  3. Refactored Premeeting email function which had reported crashes
  4. Resolved instance where office 365 mailboxes wouldn't be found if connection string was different to expected
  5. Resolved SAM not flagging when signature was rechecked and the same result was found and continues to recheck
  6. Resolved issue with date filtering when Employee filtered in 360 view
  7. Improved performance of creating Client Sense Activities from Exchange meetings
  8. Fixed not being able to delete Groups in some instances
  9. Fixed adding favourite to subscribed dashboard not obtaining correct position
  10. Fixed where custom fields flagged with ExternallyUpdated custom fields could still be added to entities through the Contact Card


  1. Improved performance of contact by department query for my firm page
  2. Improved performance of searching for contacts in large datasets
  1. Resolved bug where duplicate emails could be added into the CS database through the bulk add to favourites function when they currently don't exist in Client Sense. This would cause the second instance of the entity to be added to the favourites which would subsequently be deleted by a deduper function
  2. Resolved bug where deduper function would remove duplicate entity but leave remnant in favourite tab making it inaccessible
  3. Resolved bug where achievements would be checked for a user that didn't have an associated entity which would cause an error
  4. Resolved bug where if a contact was hidden it could skew the results of the 360 view with a date mismatch


  1. Resolved intermittent authentication error when trying to access the UI
  2. Resolved Last Contact utility not displaying records for mismatched email case


See product release


  1. Changes to 360 query logic to improve performance with SQL timeouts


  1. Additional changes to date picker to support date format changes in 3.0.7


  1. Added configuration for custom currency icon with default as $
  2. Added support for additional date formats using abbreviated month, full month or short year
  1. Fixed error in contact card loading related contacts when client name is null
  2. Additional changes to reduce dupe contacts coming from calendar appointments


  1. Added activity icon to Custom Fields page
  2. Improved performance of Custom Fields page load time
  3. Some display items improved
  1. Resolved error testing retrieval of employees on instances that haven't saved advanced config page introduced in 3.0.4
  2. Improved favourite contact caching function for larger data sets to resolve timeout issue occuring in some instances
  3. Prevent upcoming activities from resetting account manager thresholds
  4. Prevent continuous retries of calendar appointment retrieval and signature retrieval if app pool crashes but function doesn't error
  5. Resolved instance where duplicates individuals and organisations could be created when storing calendar appointments
  6. Removed edit button from upcoming activities


  1. Resolved instance where some employee details (title, department, office) wouldn't be updated from Exchange


  1. Added functionality to remap Title, Department and Office fields when pulled from Exchange with configuration through admin
  2. Refactored My Firm top organisations query to improve performance and limited to one run per day
  3. Added exclusion for hidden contacts and clients into My Firm trend
  4. Added additional checks to disable EWS access on mailboxes that fail due to invalid licence
  1. Resolved bug where SAM time config wouldn't represent the correct time it would run at after configuring and refreshing


  1. Resolved bug introduced in 3.0.1 with export including client name in some instances


  1. PDF export now adheres to employee filter
  2. Added ability to disable sync of employee title, department, office with admin configuration
  3. Date placeholder text now takes local server region format in several places
  • Resolved issue with US format dates being marked as invalid
  • Resolved instance where internal calendar appointments could be collected
  • Resolved instance where PDF export wouldn't include client name
  • Resolved contact card activities showing UTC date rather than local server


  1. Update Export, Dropoff and Cross service to include client name column
  1. Resolved issue which could occur in some scenarios when creating an Exchange integration using modern auth that would attempt to use kerberos instead
  2. Resolved issue with pre-created accounts through AD group sync not having default favourite tabs created on first login
  3. Resolved issue with private appointments being added
  4. Resolved issue with PDF export not adhering to filtered date range


Initial release