Security and User Access

Security and User Access

User Access Explained

Client Sense has two main security roles, user and admin but there is also an additional two roles if you have Relationship Management.

  1. Users are able to access the Client Sense interface and have unrestricted access to searching and viewing client and contact information. Users also have the ability to manage and maintain Relationship Managers.

  1. Admins inherit the same permissions as Users but are also able to enter into Client Sense configuration where they can create and manage the Exchange integration, Start and stop the Exchange service, add Mailchimp integrations and view the system logs.
  2. Domain Admins are administrators in Client Sense by default.

Relationship Manager
  1. Each Relationship Manager will consume a Relationship Management licence.
  2. This role provides access to the Relationship Management "My View" portal only and no access to employee based 360 relationship mapping or searching (unless they're also a user or admin)
  3. Assigning a Relationship Manager role is done through the Relationship Management portal and can be performed by a User or Admin.
  4. Users and Admins can also be Relationship Managers.

Team Manager (previously Group Manager)
  1. Team Managers won't consume a Relationship Management licence.
  2. This role provides access to the Relationship Management "Team View" portal only and no access to employee based 360 relationship mapping or searching (unless they're also a user or admin)
  3. Assigning a Team Manager role is done through the Relationship Management portal and can be performed by a User or Admin.
  4. Users and Admins can also be Team Managers.

Role and Permission Matrix

Relationship Manager
Team Manager
Access Interface
Perform Searches
Manage and Share Favourites
View Contact Cards
Create, edit and update contact card fields
View deleted contact card fields
Manage Custom Fields
Manage Custom Activities
Access Configuration
Manage Relationship Managers
View Relationship Management User portal
(if licensed)
(if licensed)
(if licensed)
View Relationship Management Team Manager portal
(if group manager)
(if group manager)
(if group manager)
View Relationship Management Admin portal

Configuring Access

Client Sense

User access can be configured by the following

Create two Active Directory groups for users and admins eg "Client Sense Users" and "Client Sense Admins".
Place the users you would like to have access to Client Sense into the Client Sense Users group
Place the users you would like to have access to admin configuration into the Client Sense Admins group
  1. Navigate to Configuration
  2. Security Tab
    1. View Access
      1. Roles - Enter Active Directory groups, comma separated into this field
      2. Users - Enter usernames without domain prefix comma separated into this field
    2. Admin Access
      1. Roles - Enter Active Directory groups, comma separated into this field
      2. Users - Enter usernames without domain prefix comma separated into this field
  3. Save

Relationship Management

Configuring Relationship Managers

There are multiple ways to manage relationship managers through the interface - look for the button with the person and shield icon.
  1. Navigate to Relationship Management from the left menu in Client Sense
  2. Select the Settings dropdown and click Relationship Managers
  3. Click the + button to add a new user
  4. Select the user from the dropdown that you wish to make a Relationship Manager. If the user you wish to configure is not in this list, check they haven't already been assigned as a user or view the section below on configuring group sync
  5. Click Add Account to assign any accounts necessary by searching for individuals or organisations by name, email or domain
  6. Click Save
  7. This user should now be able to browse to the configured Client Sense url and see the Relationship Management portal

Configuring Team Managers
  1. Navigate to Relationship Management from the left menu in Client Sense
  2. Select the Settings dropdown and click Teams
  3. Click Create Team
  4. Give the team a name and select the team users and team admins from the respective dropdowns
  5. Click Save
  6. The Team Managers should now be able to browse to the configured Client Sense url and see the Relationship Management Team View portal

To allow users to be selected as Relationship Managers or Team Managers they need to have logged in prior or be synced in from an Active Directory group. It is recommended that the group sync be configured following the method below

Configuring group sync
  1. Navigate to Configuration
  2. select the Users (AD) tab
    1. Populate Target User Group - do not use Domain Users and it's not recommended to use either of the groups specified above. It is recommended to use a group that contains your account managers (ie lawyers, accountants or other staff with outward facing relationships) which may already exist in AD. Alternatively you could create a new group to hold these staff.
    2. Disable users added through AD sync that are no longer found - checking this will disable an Account Manager licence if their AD account can no longer be found during sync
    3. Domain, Username, Password - These fields are only required if targeting a separate domain environment or the account running the Client Sense web application doesn't have authority to query AD
  3. Once the Target User Group is populated you can click the Retrieve Users button to see if the group can be read
  4. If the above is successful flick the service switch to On and click Save. You can now click Run Now to initiate the first sync with automated syncs performed overnight
  5. Additional users can be added to the group as needed and will be synced into Client Sense