Troubleshooting integration errors

Troubleshooting integration errors

Common generic issues

Check the error message.

Does the error message mention something about authentication, tokens, or API keys?
Check if your details are still up to date, and that they have not expired.

Does the error message mention something about rate limits or time outs?
No action required on your behalf; the integration will sync again in the future.

Integration specific issues

Are you using Act-on?
Check Frequently Asked Questions – Act-On Developer Network for an explanation of the error you have received.

Are you using Campaign Monitor?
Check Getting started with our API - API documentation | Campaign Monitor for an explanation of the error you have received.

Are you using Concep?
Contact support.

Are you using Dynamics or Peppermint?
The error message is "Integration has not been setup fully". 
Before the integration can be used, the generated solution needs to be downloaded from the integration configuration panel (under the customization tab) and imported into the environment. The solution changes also need to be published.

Didn't solve your issue? Contact support.

Are you using HubSpot?
Check API Error Responses ( for an explanation of the error you have received.

Are you using Mailchimp?
Check Errors Documentation | Mailchimp Developer for an explanation of the error you have received.

Are you using Salesforce or Upper Sigma?
Contact support.

Are you using Vision 6?
Check Vision6 JSON-RPC API - Standard Error Codes and Messages for an explanation of the error you have received.

Didn't solve your issue?
Please send an email to support, with the technical details attached.