Upgrading Version 3 to 3.1

Upgrading Version 3 to 3.1

Update installation

Updating the installation from 3 to 3.1 should be the same as applying a hotfix

Please note
  1. As with any update, it's always safest to ensure you have a database backup and a copy of the web folder or the ability to roll back if necessary
  2. You may need to stop your Client Sense app pool if the copy is running slowly, be sure to start it again once the copy has finished
Application update process

  1. Download zip - Get in touch if this hasn't been provided
  2. Open zip
  3. Open ClientSense-Release folder within zip
  4. Select all contents except the web.config file (if it's contained in the folder) and copy
  5. On the web server, navigate to wwwroot > inetpub > ClientSense
  6. Paste content into ClientSense folder
  7. Replace all files in destination – The web.config should not be included in the update package to prevent accidental overriding
  8. Once the paste completes, if you can access Client Sense from the server then do so, otherwise access it from a network connected machine. Navigate to http://clientsense/ or the configured fqdn and wait for it to load while it updates the dlls. Expect to wait a moment.
  9. When loaded and responsive click your name in the top right corner which should show version v3.x.x(3.1-Release) unless you've been provided with a Dev release

Process Records

This step is to force some mapping into a new table. Skipping it shouldn't cause too much of a problem as it will run with the next log collection, however until then some results may display incorrectly and it's good to ensure that the first run completes successfully.
The first time this process runs when upgrading to 3.1 will be slower than subsequent runs. Clients on a fresh install of 3.1 shouldn't need to worry about this step.
A client with 3.5 million records took 4 minutes for the initial run, a separate client with 8.5 million records took 2 minutes to run. If the client has more records than this it's suggested to trigger this from the database. You can see how many records are in the clients instance by view the Message Service tab in Configuration and looking at the Records text at the bottom of the page.

Process from the UI
  1. Navigate to Client Sense
  2. Click the top right menu and select Configuration
  3. Select the Message Service (Advanced) tab
  4. Click Process Records
  5. Select the Log tab
  6. Click the Refresh button under the logs periodically until you see Processed X entities and updated entity contact summary in X, it could take a few minutes
Process from the DB
  1. Create a new query window on the Client Sense database through SSMS
  2. You will need to obtain the ClientID for the domain registered in the licence key. You could run one of the following two queries which should return the Client ID for the domain. The first will require the domain from the licence, the second will try to present the domain based on most contact.
    1. Option 1
      1. Navigate to Client Sense
      2. Click the top right menu and select Subscription, note the Domain
      3. Run the query replacing the domain with the one obtained from the subscription page
      4. select c.ClientID, c.Domain
        from Clients c
        where Domain = 'clientsense.com'
    2. Option 2
      1. Run the following query, ensure the domain returned is as expected otherwise following Option 1 above
      2. Select top 1 c.ClientID, c.Domain
        from Clients c
        join RecordClients rc on rc.Client_ClientID = c.ClientID
        group by c.ClientID, c.Domain
        order by count(*) desc
  3. Run the following stored procedure [dbo].[UpdateEntityContactSummary] @ClientID = X. Where X is the ID obtained from above
  4. Once the query has completed you can continue the rest of the upgrade

Email Configuration

Steps for email configuration